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Descending into the basement, spirits are already talking. Into the Basement contains captured EVP evidence of a haunting in Wisconsin.

Listening is believing. Our team at KPI uncovered EVP evidence at an unusually haunted house in Wisconsin as we descended into the basement. This is a collection of EVP evidence captured by KPI on or near the basement stairs. KPI slows everything down so that you can explore the often controversial (a gurgling stomach can sound like a demon growling - true), frequently ignored (who has time to slow everything down - no one but Tina evidently), and sadly undervalued (since it could be a creaking stair, so throw out the lot - not on Tina's watch) realm of paranormal activity - the EVP that has to be played slowly to be heard.

This probably isn't your first time listening to electronic voice phenomena [EVP] captured on video or audio recorders. As such, you may have an expectation of what a good EVP sounds like; you may be disappointed, after all, we are all used to listening to the best of the best. I am just learning how to edit film in Final Cut Pro and enhance sound, without really changing it, and I have LOTS to learn. The EVPs KPI shares cannot be heard by everyone. Many factors affect what an individual hears; as such, listening is subjective, as you will soon learn.

After listening to two replays, I, Tina, share what I think I hear. Trust me, I HEAR what I say I hear. You may not agree with me and that it normal.

What happened in this basement? Did something sinister occur here or are spirits just gathering with other like-minded spirits?

  • Turn up the volume

  • Listen carefully to the EVPs

  • Note what you hear

  • Smile while you are listening

  • Get ready to PAUSE

INTO THE BASEMENT is the 2ND video in a series of videos of an intense haunting of an old house nestled in a small Wisconsin city overlooking the Wisconsin River.

It took Krystine, Luther and I, Tina Lupiezowiec, a minute to descend into the basement. In that time, we captured countless illuminating EVPs. I do not share all of that I have recorded. I choose not to share the smack-talkers' EVPs. Trust me, they are worse than trolls, never stop blabbing and always have an insult or a threat to share. They seem to be committed to rage. I choose not to give them their 15 seconds of fame.

I choose to share EVPs that shed light on what may be at the heart of a haunting, or to listen to the stories of those characters (typically deceased humans) that are still transitioning from the life we know, into their awesome afterlives.

Keep a light heart and know that happiness uplifts and heals, while fear bogs us down. We help heal the past with kindness and a little bit of levity. After a KPI investigation, paranormal activity either stops or is significantly reduced. It turns out that being listened to, helps.

~Tina Lupiezowiec, Clairvoyant Psychic Motivational Medium, KOI & KPI

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